Some jobs are born at the heart of an entirely pedestrian Venn diagram, but blossom beautifully anyway. bossa:nova DJ Allen Voskanian had taken a job at Quango Records. He and Quango owner Bruno Guez needed a CD package, but had a very limited budget. And me? I had a killed idea that I wanted to revive.
A few years earlier Sting had nixed a design I loved, and I had been looking for an opportunity to get it printed ever since. This was it. Allen and Bruno had created a great mix for this Oliver Peoples CD, the third installment in a series that is about to hit the double digits. I loved the music, so I had no reservations about handing over my little gem. And happily, the client at Oliver Peoples, Rudy Manheim, was happy to have it. That’s the whole story. Life can be so simple.
You can see the family resemblance, no? I wasn’t able to do a direct translation, and I miss the white space, but it worked out pretty well. As it is, I actually prefer the Oliver Peoples cover to what I had planned for Sting. The window is a skylight at Art Center College of Design. On the Oliver Peoples CD I credited myself as “Cubist at Large.” Forever cramming in one more pun… shameful.
Rudy later hired me to design the flyer for the CD launch party, and in exchange he gave me the glasses I’m wearing in the ADCMW poster, and the sunglasses that I’m still wearing to this day. Though not right now. Right now I’m indoors.